Kev cai lag luam wholesale Thaum tshav kub kub Sealable Peb Sab Seal Hnab Nrog Logo

Khoom: Peb sab foob hnab nrog logo
Khoom siv: PET + Kraft + AL + PE; Cov khoom siv
Scope of Application: Khoom noj khoom haus Bag; khoom noj txom ncauj hnab, kas fes hnab, tshuaj yej hnab, thiab lwm yam.
Khoom Thickness: 80-200μm, Custom thickness
Nto: Matte zaj duab xis; Glossy zaj duab xis thiab luam koj tus kheej tsim.
Advantage: Yooj yim cia khoom noj, ntim me me, kev cai tshwj xeeb cov duab.
MOQ: Customized raws li lub hnab ntim khoom, Loj, Thickness, luam ntawv xim.
Cov nqe lus them nqi: T / T, 30% tso nyiaj, 70% tshuav nyiaj ua ntej xa khoom
Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 10 ~ 15 hnub
Txoj kev xa khoom: nthuav qhia / huab cua / hiav txwv

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe


Custom Printing Lag luam wholesale Me Me Thaum Tshav Kub Sealable Peb Sab Foob Kraft Sachet Empty Coffee Tea Food Packaging Bag Description

Cov khoom siv rau peb-sab ntim hnab ntim khoom:

Peb-sab foob hnab yog nthuav dav heev thiab tuaj yeem kho raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua. Resealable zippers, yooj yim-qhib qhov tsim kua muag thiab dai qhov rau cov khoom txee tuaj yeem ua tiav ntawm peb sab foob hnab.

PET, CPE, CPP, OPP, PA, AL, KPET, thiab lwm yam.

Peb-sab ntim hnab ntim khoom siv dav siv hauv cov hnab ntim khoom noj txom ncauj, lub ntsej muag lub ntsej muag ntim hnab, thiab lwm yam hauv lub neej txhua hnub. Lub hnab ntim peb-sab style yog peb sab kaw thiab ib sab qhib, uas tuaj yeem ua tau zoo hydrated thiab kaw, zoo tagnrho rau hom thiab cov khw muag khoom.

Cov khoom tsim nyog rau lub hnab ntim peb sab

Peb-sab ntim cov hnab ntim khoom siv dav siv hauv cov hnab ntim khoom noj khoom haus, hnab ntim khoom noj, hnab ntim khoom noj, lub hnab sawv ntsug, hnab zipper, hnab ntawv aluminium, hnab tshuaj yej, hnab khoom qab zib, hnab hmoov, hnab nplej, hnab tshuaj pleev ib ce, hnab ntim qhov muag , lub hnab nqus tsev, hnab ntawv-yas, hnab tshwj xeeb zoo li lub hnab, anti Static hnab.

Composite peb-sab-sealed aluminium foil hnab muaj cov khoom thaiv zoo, tsis muaj dej noo, tsis muaj cua sov sealability, siab transparency, thiab tseem tuaj yeem luam tawm xim ntawm 1 txog 9 xim. Feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv cov khoom siv niaj hnub ntim cov hnab ntim khoom, tshuaj pleev ib ce ntim hnab ntim khoom ua si, cov khoom ua si sib xyaw ntim hnab, khoom plig ntim hnab, khoom siv ntim khoom ntim hnab, khaub ncaws ntim hnab ntim khoom, khw malls composite ntim hnab, khoom siv hluav taws xob cov hnab ntim khoom ntim , sports Equipment composite packaging bag and other products from all walks of life composite bags boutique ntim hnab.

Custom Printing Lag luam wholesale Me Me Thaum Tshav Kub Sealable Peb Sab Foob Kraft Sachet Empty Coffee Tea Food Packaging Bag Features


Sab saum toj dai qhov


hauv qab qhib

Peb Cov Ntawv Pov Thawj

Tag nrho cov khoom tau dhau los ua qhov yuav tsum tau kuaj xyuas nrog iyr xeev-of-the-art QA lab thiab tau txais daim ntawv pov thawj patent.

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zx ua
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